Newly registered childminders

What to do once you have received your Ofsted certificate.

Once Ofsted has made their registration visit and you have received your Ofsted certificate, please book a support visit and complete the relevant forms for advertising your new business.

You can do so by contacting the childminding co-ordinator by email

As a new childminder you will soon be due your first Ofsted grading inspection.

Visit the Ofsted website for useful information to help you prepare.

The childminding co-ordinator will come and visit you to provide support. Please call or email as soon as possible to book an appointment.

If you wait until Ofsted calls you, adequate support may not be available or provided.

Childcare directory

Once Ofsted have confirmed that you are an active childminder, your information will appear in our childcare directory.

We will send you a link with a username and password so you can log in and add more information.

For more details see: 



Contact the early years providers team