Alexandra area transport and travel review

Tell us about your experiences in the Alexandra area and how we can improve it

We want to hear about your travel and transport experiences in the Alexandra area of the borough. This includes how you use different modes of transportation such as public transport, walking, cycling, or driving, and how you use street spaces for leisure activities like shopping or socialising.

We would also like your thoughts on potential changes or improvements that could make the area more efficient, enjoyable, or beneficial for residents and visitors alike.

Your insights are important, make sure you have your say.

You can provide feedback in the following ways:

If you would like a printed copy of the Alexandra Traffic and Review questionnaire, please send an email to: 

Printed copies are also available at:

Wood Green Library
187-197A High Road
Wood Green
N22 6XD

Alexandra Park Library
Alexandra Park Road
N22 7UJ

If you would like the questionnaire translated into another language, please include this request in your email.

Next Steps:

  • Public engagement from 22 July to 6 September 2024
  • Results analysis from August to October 2024
  • Share results and decisions about further actions from October to December 2024