Copies to send to responsible authorities
Responsible authorities under the Licensing Act (2003) must receive copies of the following applications:
- new premises licence
- full or minor variation to a premises licence
- new club premises certificate
- full or minor variation to a club premises certificate
Applications sent online or by email
If your application is made online or sent to us by email, we will send copies to the responsible authorities ourselves. You do not need to do this.
Applications sent by post
If you post your application to us, you must send copies of your application to the responsible authorities yourself. You must send them all on the same day that you send us your application.
If posting your application to us, please send to:
Haringey Licensing Authority
Licensing Team
Level 1 River Park House
225 High Road
London N22 8HQ
Phone: 020 8489 8232
Temporary event notices (TEN)
If your TEN application is sent to us by post, you must also send a copy of your application to:
- the police licensing officer
- planning enforcement
Review requests
If you are requesting a review, you must send a copy of your form to:
- the licence holder
- all responsible authorities
Responsible authorities contact details
See a list of addresses, phone numbers and email addresses for all the relevant responsible authorities.
Police Licensing Officer
Edmonton Police Station
462 Fore Street
London, N9 0PW
Planning Enforcement
River Park House
High Road
London, N22 8HQ
Phone: 020 8489 5508/ 0208489 0000
Fire Authority (Brigade)
London Fire & Emergency Planning Authority
Fire Safety Regulation: North West Area 1
London Fire Brigade
169 Union Street
London, SE1 0LL
Phone: 020 8555 1200, extension: 53252
Health and Safety & Food Group Z Commercial and Environmental | Protection Group
Level 1 River Park House
225 High Road
London, N22 8HQ
Phone: 020 8489 1335
Building Control
River Park House
225 High Road
London N22 8HQ
Phone: 020 8489 1335
Anti Social Behaviour Team
Level 1 River Park House
225 High Road
London N22 8HQ
Phone: 020 8489 1335
Director of Public Health | Haringey Council/NHS North Central London
Level 4 River Park House
225 High Road
London, N22 8HQ
Phone: 020 8489 1335
Trading Standards
Level 1 River Park House
225 High Road
London, N22 8HQ
Phone: 020 8489 1335
Home Office | Alcohol Licensing Team
Lunar House
40 Wellesley Road
Croydon, CR9 2BY
Social Services Contact | Licensing Team
Edmonton Police Station
462 Fore Street
London, N9 0PW