Why foster with Haringey?

We welcome male foster carers and offer support groups.

Fostering changes lives, both for those being fostered and foster carers.

People foster for a number of reasons, overwhelmingly it’s because they want to make a difference to a child’s life.

There are many children in Haringey who need foster carers.

Agreeing that a child shouldn't live with their family is not always an easy or clear cut decision. Neither is the decision to become a foster carer.

By choosing to foster with us you have access to many benefits including:

  • 24-hour support, 365 days a year
  • Access to specialist and tailored training
  • All the information available about a child is given to you when considering a placement
  • Shared resources with neighbouring Boroughs via the North London Fostering Consortium
  • Regular updates from our foster carers newsletter

See also advice for existing foster carers looking to change

Ask about becoming a foster carer

Get a copy of our 'Benefits and Perks of Fostering for Haringey' booklet

Our booklet provides information on:

  • Fees and allowance of up to £477 per week, per child
  • Support groups
  • Parking permits
  • Extensive training and development opportunities and more!

If you would like a copy of the booklet, email your name and address to fosteringrecruitment@haringey.gov.uk and we will post one out to you. Alternatively, you can phone us on 020 8489 3754.

Contact us about fostering

to find out more about fostering in Haringey.