Scrutiny Café event 2024


The Overview and Scrutiny Committee is responsible for:

  • holding decision makers to account
  • providing recommendations on areas of improvement for both council services and those involving working with our partners

We are currently developing our work programme for the next 2 years.

Do you:

  • care about how local decisions are made and want to make sure the council is making the best decisions for the future of Haringey, involving all residents, communities, and local organisations?
  • feel that there are any areas of council policy or service delivery that are not working and need review?
  • feel that there is an unmet need in the community not being responded to?

Then we want to hear your views. 

Tea, coffee and other refreshments will be provided. 

Local organisations

We also have opportunities for local organisations to provide their expertise and experience of working in the community, through becoming co-opted members on the Scrutiny Committee and the four Scrutiny Panels.

Please contact us and come along on the day for more information.

Date and time details 

20 September, 12 noon to 4pm.

Reserve your seat

If you would like to attend, please email us.




Tottenham Hale - the Engine Room
Unit A, Eagle Heights
Lebus Street
N17 9FU
United Kingdom