Women & Girls Growing Food Communities

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Join Living Under One Sun & Go Grow With Love for this practical course based at the community allotment.

  • 10 week land based programme
  • share skills and gain new ones
  • learning about our food and land heritage
  • growing food
  • soil care
  • preparation
  • cultivation
  • harvest
  • land maintenance.

Please note that this group is for women and girls ages 16+ only.


£10 or over

Pricing details

The 10 week course is offered at a cost of £250, please book your space via Eventbrite.

There are 5 free places available for Tottenham residents, in return for equivalent hours volunteering to care for Down Lane Park improvements and local green spaces. Please ensure you are a Tottenham resident and are available and committed to attend all of the sessions before booking your free place. 


For further information please email: info@livingunderonesun.co.uk


16 May 2024

Additional date and time information

The course runs weekly, every Thursday from 16th May - 25th July (no session 30th May) from 10am-3pm, at Living Under One Sun Community Allotment plot, East Hale Allotments, Mill Mead Road, N17 9QP.



Bowling Green and Pavillion Down Lane Park
Park View Road
N17 9EX
United Kingdom