Annual public health reports

Information and data on key health issues impacting the local population.

Public health report 2023 

Our 2023 public health report is the first since the COVID-19 pandemic.

The report summarises:

  • health inequalities in Haringey
  • factors leading to inequalities
  • the impact of COVID-19 and poverty
  • how we can collectively reduce health inequalities together

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About public health reports

The report is the Director of Public Health’s professional statement about the health of local communities, based on sound epidemiological evidence, and interpreted objectively. The report should be publicly accessible.

The report is an important way for Directors of Public Health to identify key issues, raise problems, report progress and, thereby, serve their local populations. It will also be a key resource to inform local inter-agency action.

Director of public health reports should:

  • contribute to improving the health and wellbeing of local populations
  • reduce health inequalities
  • promote action for better health, by measuring progress towards health targets
  • assist with the planning and monitoring of local programmes and services that impact on health over time

Previous public health reports

View our archive page for previous Annual Public Health Reports.