Learn MS Office Powerpoint

Course Details

What is this course about?

This course supports online study skills and introduces the basics of creating and presenting presentations in Microsoft Powerpoint.

Are there any entry requirements?

You should have entry level English skills and be prepared to follow a course of online study. You must have internet access and a tablet or laptop to be able to study on this course.

Do I need to have an interview before I can enrol?

Yes. You will have a short online interview to assess your suitability.

How will I be taught?

You will be taught through online tutorials using MS Teams.

What feedback will I get?

Your tutor will give you feedback during the session and online throughout the course.

How will I be able to give my views on the course?

What course can I do next?

Additional information

You should attend all sessions and complete self study as set by your teacher. Please read all information prior to the session and install MS Teams onto your device.

Who is this course for?

You must be aged 19 and over by the 31st of August 2023 and who want to improve online study skills and learn skills in presentation software and MS Office.