Study Skills for English Entry Level

Course Details

What is this course about?

This blended learning course is aimed at adults who wish to develop reading, writing and speaking and listening skills and work towards undertaking accreditation in English at Entry Level. The programme covers strategies to improve study skills at the required level. It also provides opportunities to study and practise discussion and digital skills.

Are there any entry requirements?

You must be aged 19 or older by the 31st of August 2024. You should have a basic level of English literacy and ability to converse within an English speaking environment. You will be asked to undertake initial assessment in maths and English.

Do I need to have an interview before I can enrol?

Yes. You will have a face to face, online or telephone interview with a tutor to discuss your learning needs and goals.

How will I be taught?

You will be taught through a mix of classroom sessions, and online tutorials and resources. You will be supported to improve your digital study skills so you can access the online resources either at home or in our centre.

What feedback will I get?

You will receive regular feedback from your tutor throughout the course. At the end of the course you and your tutor are asked to assess the progress you have made. You will decide individual learning goals with your tutor and see your progress over the term by keeping a folder of work.

How will I be able to give my views on the course?

You will be able to talk to your tutor in one to one meetings about your learning during tutorials. Your tutor will ask for your feedback as a group at different times during the session and in course reviews. You will be able to formally record your views on the course at the end by completing an evaluation form. You may also complete ESFA & OFSTED surveys.

What course can I do next?

Progression: You will be encouraged to enrol onto a course working towards an Entry Level accreditation or to undertake paid or voluntary work.

Additional information

It is very important for you to attend your classes regularly. If you are unable to attend a class, please notify your tutor. If you do not come to classes during the first week or fail to attend for two consecutive classes without informing your tutor, you may lose your place of study.

Who is this course for?

This course is for adults entering back into study and to boost basic study skills and confidence before enrolling onto an accredited course.