Upskill Maths for Healthcare Part 2

Course Details

What is this course about?

This Multiply Maths in Healthcare Programme is designed for NHS employees who do not have a GCSE/Level 2 in Maths and who want to build their maths skills to support their progress and opportunities in employment.

It covers understanding of skills, gaps in knowledge, and maths for shifts schedules and rotas.

It also supports participants to understand their next steps in upskilling or qualification.

Are there any entry requirements?

You should not already have a Functional Skills L2 or GCSE pass grade in mathematics.

Do I need to have an interview before I can enrol?

No, but you should check with your line manager to ensure you are supported to join this programme as part of your development.

How will I be taught?

You will be taught in a three-hours long face to face session by a skilled and experienced Maths tutor. This will include some computer-based assessment and practical hands-on activity. You will have a follow up workbook, online individual learning plan and scheduled catch up tutorial.

What feedback will I get?

You will get feedback on your work during the sessions and on all submitted assignments.

How will I be able to give my views on the course?

You will be able to give your views in a feedback form at the end of the course or directly to your tutor or a manager during the course. You may also be asked to participate in surveys for funders or Ofsted.

What course can I do next?

You may progress to the Functional Maths course following successful completion of these workshops.

Additional information


You will have access to a MS Teams Digital classroom where you may access additional learning resources or communication from the Haringey Learns learning community.

You will also be offered a wide range of different wellbeing or engagement activities within the service.


Who is this course for?

This course is for employees of the NHS (specifically those employed by North Middlesex University NHS Trust or Medirest) or anyone interested in exploring Maths skills that are useful in healthcare settings who are looking to progress in their healthcare career and need to progress their skills in maths in order to gain a qualification and confidence in numeracy related activities.