Haringey remembers Srebrenica

The Haringey community paid their respects to the victims of the Srebrenica genocide during a moving and poignant commemoration ceremony at George Meehan House today (Thursday 11 July 2024) – the annual Memorial Day for the atrocity 29 years ago.
Srebrenica Memorial Day Pic 1.

The Leader of Haringey Council, Cllr Peray Ahmet, the borough’s Mayor, Cllr Sue Jameson, and council Chief Executive Andy Donald joined community faith leaders and other ward councillors to light 11 candles in memory of the 8,372 Muslim men and boys who were lost in harrowing events during the Bosnian War.

Each candle is in remembrance of the lives lost and destroyed by hatred and represents a pledge that we make to remember the genocide.

Today, our diverse communities came together as one to mark Srebrenica Memorial Day and pay our respects to the 8,372 victims of the 1995 genocide.

This year’s theme is: ‘I Am Because You Are’ and underlines the importance of standing up for each other against hatred, discrimination, harassment and prejudice and those who try to divide us.

Taking its inspiration from the South African philosophical term ‘Ubuntu’, which is often translated as: ‘I am because you are,’ the 2024 theme will also help multi-cultural communities worldwide understand the importance of interconnectedness and build a safer, strong and more cohesive society for all.

As we remember this tragic chapter in history, it must serve as a sombre and timely reminder to all of us of the importance of working together towards a more hopeful future.

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