Cancellation (Reversion) applications/notices

Part of: Type of application required

A reversion application should be used where an initial notice from a Registered Building Control Approver (RBCA) (previously known as an Approved Inspector), is no longer in force and the application is to ‘revert’ back to the local authority. See Regulation 22 of the Building (Registered Building Control Approvers etc.) (England) Regulations 2024.

The reasons for this include :

  • the private building control body is no longer in business
  • the private building control body has cancelled their Initial Notice due to contraventions of the Building Regulations that the owner/builder has failed to rectify
  • the private building control body has not been able to gain access to the property, or been notified of the commencement of works
  • the owner/person responsible for the works decides that they no longer want to use the services of a private building control body

We require:

  • a full description of the unauthorised work, and plans indicating the work carried out (existing plans – before work commenced and proposed plans – what is intended/what has been completed) – so that it is clear what works have been/intend to be carried out
  • plans and associated structural calculations should demonstrate compliance with the building regulations that were in force when the work was originally carried out
  • the appropriate fee (see the charges and fees page for details) – this can be paid over the telephone on 020 8489 1000 (option 8). Contact us for advice if you are unsure
  • photographs of the work in progress or other evidence may assist in demonstrating compliance. This may help to reduce any required exposure works

When we receive a reversion application, we may require you to take reasonable steps to determine what work, if any, is required to make sure that the relevant requirements are met. These steps may include:

  • the laying open of the building work for our inspection
  • making tests and taking samples, as we think appropriate

If you are unwilling to comply with any reasonable request, there is a risk that we will be unable to judge whether the work satisfies the applicable regulations.

We may be left with no alternative but to prosecute the owner of the property where the contravening work may compromise life safety of the occupants, visitors or the public, depending on the circumstances.

Please download, complete and return the Reversion Notice form to submit a building regulation application to us.

Please also complete and return a copy of the Form 10 cancellation notice under the RBCA regulations. This cancels the initial notice submitted by the RBCA, if the RBCA hasn't cancelled the initial notice already.

Further information and guidance is on our Cancellation (Reversion) of an Initial Notice Application page.

Building control reversions