Haringey Music Education Hub 

What Haringey Music Education Hub is, our mission and our partners.

Haringey Music Education Hub is an alliance of: 

  • schools 
  • local authority music service – Haringey Music Service 
  • local, regional and national partners 

Haringey Music Service is the Hub's lead partner.

The Hub Advisory Group looks at current music education in Haringey. It identifies: 

  • areas to celebrate success 
  • gaps in provision 
  • resourcing challenges 

The Hub mission 

Our mission is to foster music-making and musical development for children and young people across Haringey. We want to remove barriers related to: 

  • funding 
  • opportunity 
  • aspirations 

Every young person should have the chance to discover their musical potential and fully develop it. Taking part in making music with others helps children’s: 

  • social development 
  • self-esteem 
  • self-discipline 

We achieve our mission by: 

  • working closely with schools/settings
  • working closely with our local delivery partner organisations 
  • being involved with regional and national and international partnership projects 

Hub partners 

Our range of partners evolves as we make new contacts and look at the needs of our young people and communities.

If you’re organisation provides musical opportunities for our community and you'd like to partner with us, contact Abigail Munson.

Our strategic partners are:

Our Hub partners are:

Our corporate members are:

Local plan 

Contact us for information on our local plan for music education.

Contact Haringey Music Service: Abigail Munson