How offers of school places were made on national offer day

Number of school applications and offers made for secondary and primary reception places for the last 3 years.

Information in the reports for each school includes:

  • distance in miles of the last child offered a place
  • number of offers made on national offer day in order of preference
  • number of on-time applications
  • number of places offered
  • number of places offered per criterion, including:
    • have an education, health and care plan
    • were looked after or previously looked after
    • have exceptional social or medical needs
    • have siblings at the school
    • are children of staff
    • were offered a place under the distance criteria


Primary reception transfer offers 2024

Secondary transfer offers 2024

Maps of cutoff distances for secondary transfer 2024


Primary reception transfer offers 2023

Secondary transfer offers 2023


Primary reception transfer offers 2022

Secondary transfer offers 2022