Distance from school of last child offered place on 1 September

Part of: Cutoff distance from school of last child offered place

This table shows the furthest distances of children offered places under the distance criteria and on 1 September in each year.

These distances may be further from the school than those offered on national offer day. This is because a small number of families do not accept the offers made on national offer day. This means we can offer these places to children living further away from these schools.

The distances on 1 September may not be further from the school than those offered on national offer day. This is because offers made after offer day are based only on the school's oversubscription criteria. It does not make a difference if the application was made before or after the 31 October deadline.

This means sometimes the only school places offered after national offer day are to children who both:

  • originally applied late
  • live closer to the school than the furthest child offered on national offer day

Distance in miles from school of offers made on 1 September

School 2024 2023 2022
Alexandra Park Data available October 2024 0.5550 0.4969
Fortismere Data available October 2024 1.1359 0.5762
Gladesmore Data available October 2024 0.8479 0.9048
Heartlands High Data available October 2024 0.9823 1.7725
Highgate Wood Data available October 2024 0.9150 1.3580
Mulberry Woodside Data available October 2024 1.6422 1.0257