Location of traffic filters in Bounds Green LTN

Part of: Bounds Green LTN

There are 10 traffic filters in Bounds Green LTN to stop vehicles using this neighbourhood as a through route.

A filter can either:

  • use cameras to enforce traffic restrictions – this allows emergency and waste vehicles to pass through
  • have physical restrictions like bollards or planters

All homes and businesses can still be accessed by vehicles, but there may be fewer routes available.

Area A

There is a camera-enforced filter at the junction with Bounds Green Road.

Area B

Area B includes:

  • Marlborough Road – camera-enforced filter at the junction with Myddleton Road
  • Nightingale Road – camera-enforced filter at the junction with Clarence Road and Finsbury Road
  • Palmerston Road – camera-enforced filter at the junction of Myddleton Road
  • Truro Road – physical filter at the junction with Finsbury Road
  • Whittington Road – camera-enforced filter at the junction with Myddleton Road

Area C

Area C includes:

  • Blake Road – camera-enforced diagonal filter at the junction with Churston Gardens and Lynton Gardens
  • Gordon Road – emergency access filter at the junction with Bounds Green Road
  • Passmore Gardens – emergency access filter at the junction with The Drive
  • Rhys Avenue – physical filter at the junction with Durnsford Road