Location of traffic filters in Bruce Grove West Green LTN

Part of: Bruce Grove West Green LTN

There are 21 traffic filters in Bruce Grove West Green LTN to stop motor traffic using this neighbourhood as a through route.

A filter can either:

  • use cameras to enforce traffic restrictions – this allows emergency and waste vehicles to pass through
  • have physical restrictions like bollards or planters

All homes and businesses can still be accessed by motor vehicles, but there may be fewer routes available.

Area A

Area A includes:

  • Broadwater Road – camera-enforced traffic filter at the junction with The Avenue
  • Dongol Road – camera-enforced diagonal traffic filter at the junction with Marden Road and Higham Road
  • Downhills Park Road – camera-enforced traffic filter between the junctions with Walpole Road and Higham Road
  • Downhills Way/Belmont Road (B155) – 7.5ft heavy goods vehicle (HGV) ban
  • Forster Road – camera-enforced traffic filter at the junction with Winchelse Road
  • Gloucester Road – camera-enforced traffic filter at the junction with The Avenue
  • Langham Road – camera-enforced traffic filter at the junction with Belmont Road
  • Linden Road – physical traffic filter at the junction with Belmont Road
  • Mount Pleasant Road – camera-enforced traffic filter at the junction with The Avenue
  • Pembury Road – camera-enforced traffic filter at the junction with the High Road
  • Radley Road – camera-enforced traffic filter at the junction with Broadwater Road
  • Sperling Road – camera-enforced traffic filter at the junction with Moorfield Road
  • St Loy’s Road – camera-enforced traffic filter at the junction with Clacton Road
  • The Avenue – camera-enforced traffic filter at the junction with Chandos Road

View the map and access roads for Bruce Grove West Green LTN Area A

Area B

Area B includes:

  • Boundary Road – camera-enforced traffic filter at the junction with Crawley Road
  • Carlingford Road – camera-enforced traffic filter at the junction with Crescent Road
  • Hawke Park Road – 2 physical traffic filters on either side of the junction with Sirdar Road
  • Langham Road – camera-enforced traffic filter at the junction with Belmont Road
  • Sirdar Road – camera-enforced diagonal traffic filter at the junction with Rusper Road

View the map and access roads for Bruce Grove West Green LTN Area B