Update on low traffic neighbourhoods consultations – 2020 to 2021

How we consulted on LTNs, consultation reports, consultation timeline.

We undertook an extensive listening exercise to consult on the 3 low traffic neighbourhoods (LTNs):

  • Bounds Green LTN
  • Bruce Grove West Green LTN
  • St Ann’s LTN

Consultations began in February 2021. There were 3 rounds of engagement, as well as additional engagement with key stakeholders.

After a full analysis of the various stages of engagement, the cabinet decided to go ahead with the 3 LTNs at a meeting in December 2021, as part of the Haringey Streets for People programme.

Consultation reports

You can read the full consultation reports for each LTN:


Engagement stage 1 – early engagement

We launched early engagement with residents and businesses in February 2020. The objective of this stage was to hear from those living and working in and near the area about the issues they are facing and the ways they would like to see them changed.

We gave the community the opportunity to share their views on an interactive engagement map by email, phone and post.

You can read a summary and analysis of the feedback for each LTN:

We also held 3 virtual public meetings – one for each LTN. The event materials can be viewed below, including a summary of some of the questions received from attendees and our responses.

The feedback from these meetings fed into the design development of each LTN.

Bounds Green LTN meeting

This meeting was held on 23 February 2021.

St Ann's LTN meeting

This meeting was held on 2 March 2021.

Bruce Grove West Green LTN meeting

This meeting was held on 4 March 2021.

Engagement stage 2 – community design workshops

We held community design workshops on each of the LTNs. We wrote to all addresses in the LTN areas informing them about the workshops. The workshops were held online on Zoom.

The feedback from these community design workshops fed into the LTN designs.

Bounds Green LTN design workshops

These workshops were held on 17 and 18 May 2021.

Bounds Green LTN design workshops – letter to residents

Bruce Grove West Green LTN design workshops

These workshops were held on 26 and 27 May 2021.

Bruce Grove West Green LTN design workshops – letter to residents

St Ann’s LTN design workshops

These workshops were held on 24 and 25 May 2021.

St Ann's LTN design workshops – letter to residents

Engagement with parents and teachers at local schools

We organised 3 dedicated online sessions for parents and staff of schools within the proposed LTN areas. These took place online on 7, 8 and 12 July 2021 on Microsoft Teams.

Engagement stage 3 – public consultations

Public consultations on each of the 3 LTNs ran for 4 weeks from 16 August 2021 to Friday 17 September 2021.

The public consultations were an opportunity for those living and working in and near an LTN to review the proposed designs and give us their feedback.

All residents and businesses in the LTN areas were notified of the consultation launch.

Every comment and completed questionnaire received was considered as part of the consultation.

See the Low traffic neighbourhoods - public consultation page to view the consultation documents.

Disabled people and carers survey

We undertook a disabled people and carers survey to better understand the distinct requirements of people with disabilities and specific access needs.

Business perception survey

We undertook a business perception survey to help build up a picture of how customers and staff travel to premises within the LTN areas, alongside how they receive deliveries.

Read the business perception survey report

Broadwater Farm estate and the Bruce Grove West Green LTN

The proposed area for the Bruce Grove West Green LTN includes the Broadwater Farm estate. Officers from Haringey Council are working collaboratively to ensure the improvement aspirations of the community on the estate, and wider, are supported by work we're doing through the LTN project.

Separate to the LTN process, we have developed initial design ideas for the estate based on feedback from residents and the community.

To find out more and view this consultation, please visit the dedicated Broadwater Farm Estate site.


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