Haringey, Here to Help

We want to make sure all Haringey residents get the help and support available to them.

Our Haringey, Here to Help pages give information about the services available to help you.

You can:

See what benefits you can claim

Use our benefits calculator to find out what benefits you can claim.

Check what benefits you can claim

Call our financial support team

Our team can offer support and advice and help you improve your financial situation.

Call our financial support team now

Apply to the Haringey Support Fund

See if you can get a one-off payment to help with the cost of living and emergencies.

Apply to the Haringey Support Fund now

Find out about Council Tax reduction

See if you could get a reduction or exemption on your Council Tax bill.

Find out about Council Tax reduction

Food banks and food support

Find out about food banks, free school meals, the Healthy Start Scheme, and the Haringey Support Fund.

Find out about food support.

Homelessness help

See what help is available if you're at risk of becoming homeless, and if you're already homeless or sleeping rough.

See homelessness help.

Help with energy bills for older people

Find out what support is available to help keep you warm and well. 

See help with energy bills for older people.

Money and debt help

Find out how to get help with debt and things money-related, including budgeting, Help to Save and the Haringey Credit Union.

Get help with money and debt.

Housing costs help

Find out about Discretionary Housing Payments, Haringey Support Fund, Council Tax Support, Universal Credit, and Housing Benefit.

Get help with housing costs.

Business support

Find out what support is available if you run a business in Haringey.

Find out about support for businesses.

Refugee, migrant and asylum seeker support

Find out about the Haringey supports Ukraine and the Afghan resettlement schemes.

Find out about support for migrants.

Help getting into employment

Find out about Haringey Works, Universal Credit and Employment and Support Allowance, help with the costs of starting work, and Haringey Learns.

See what into employment support you can get.

Help with the costs to raise children

Get help with childcare costs including free early learning and education, free school meals and clothing grant, and help for children with SEND.

See what childcare costs you can get.

Mental health and wellbeing

See what mental health and wellbeing, and adult mental health services are available.

Find out what mental health support you can get.

Water costs help

Find out about the Thames Water Water Help scheme and Water Direct scheme.

Visit Thames Water for help with water costs.

Help with education costs

Find out about free school meals and clothing grant, fairer education fund and the 16 to 18 bursary fund.

See what help you can get with education costs.