Scrutiny Café event 2024
The Overview and Scrutiny Committee is developing its work programme for the next 2 years. Join the event to share your views.
If you and other people who you live or work near to have a shared concern, you can let us know more about it at a council meeting. This group of people is known as a deputation.
Your group cannot be more than 6 people. Only 1 member of your group may speak at the council meeting but anyone may reply to questions from councillors.
You will receive up to 5 minutes to address the council and 5 minutes for questions from councillors, unless the meeting approves a longer time limit.
You can write to us, stating your concern. Include what the request is about. Your request must be signed by 10 or more residents of Haringey.
If your request to speak is agreed, you will be invited to the meeting and have the opportunity to speak directly to councillors.
We must receive your request by 10am on a day that will leave at least 3 working days before the meeting. For example, by Monday for a meeting on the Friday.
The Mayor will decide whether or not to accept your request and whether or not to refer it to an appropriate committee, sub-committee, or other body.
Requests will not usually be accepted if a similar request has been received by any council committee or body within the last 6 months.
If the Mayor decides to refer your request to another committee or body, they will announce this at the next available meeting of the council without debate. If the Mayor decides that a request is not accepted, this will be reported to the council for noting.
Requests will normally only be heard at a Full Council meeting when the issue is already on the agenda, having been referred there by the committee or body.
Requests submitted mainly by children or young persons below 18 will be referred to the Head of Local Democracy and Member Services so they can nominate an officer to help. The decision making process will then be followed.
Democratic Services
George Meehan House
294 High Road
Wood Green
N22 8JZ
United Kingdom