Hot weather

What to do in hot weather, how to help vulnerable neighbours, what to do if you're homeless and where to find cool spaces and water refills. 

What to do in hot weather 

See advice and support on what to do during very hot weather: 

Vulnerable people 

Check on neighbours who may be less able to look after themselves.

Contact our Connected Communities team if you're concerned about a vulnerable person

Support for rough sleepers during hot weather

The Greater London Authority provided guidance to local authorities on what should happen during severe weather. The Severe Weather Emergency Protocol sets out the support for rough sleepers in periods of extreme weather, including the provision of shelter. Find out what you can do in hot weather if you're rough sleeping.

Cool spaces and free water refills 

Cool spaces are indoor and outdoor areas where Londoners can cool down on hot days.

Find a venue in Haringey where you can go to cool down.

See for where you can refill your water bottle for free.


Power cuts are more likely to happen during a heatwave due to the increased pressure put on the national grid.

Find more information on what to do in a power cut and how you may be able to receive additional support. 

Further information