Housing related support (HRS) helps Haringey’s most vulnerable single adult residents build independent lives, in appropriate and safe housing, with the support from all services available to help them achieve their goals and vision of a good life.
Housing related support is a non-statutory provision and is provided free of charge to those who need it. This means that Haringey Council does not have to provide HRS services but chooses to invest in them because supporting vulnerable residents to navigate risks and issues around housing, homelessness and rough sleeping is a key priority.
HRS services include:
- night shelters and hostels
- supported housing
- sheltered housing
- refuges and safe accommodation
- foyer accommodation
- floating support
- street outreach services
- information and advice
- specialist advocacy support
Who can be referred to HRS?
Housing related support services can help:
- people in Haringey experiencing homelessness and rough sleeping
- residents with mental health needs
- older residents who need support
- young residents at risk, or leaving care
- residents with experience of the criminal justice system and leaving prison
- survivors and victims of domestic abuse and violence
- residents with substance use and alcohol needs
- residents with physical, learning, and sensory disabilities
- Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller peoples
- refugees and people with uncertain immigration status
- LGBTQIA+ youth and adults
What can HRS help with?
Housing related support services can help with:
- finding somewhere to live and setting up a home
- accessing specialist and supported housing
- dealing with rent arrears, debt, and budgeting
- learning tenancy and domestic skills to help you stay independent
- building new relationships and connections in your local area
- applying for benefits you are entitled to
- making plans to help manage risks and vulnerabilities you experience
- finding education, training and support you to get a job
- signposting to specialist services who can help with your health and care needs
- introductions to floating support, financial support, Connected Communities and other community help
- advice and guidance and help navigating local services
- specialist advocacy support for victims/survivors of domestic abuse and other forms of gender-based violence