Thousands more benefit from safer and healthier journeys during Walk to School Week

Eight new School Streets in Haringey are revolutionising journeys for thousands more children during Walk to School Week.
Stroud Green school street 5

The council has successfully launched a total of 34 School Streets in Haringey with about 16,000 children now benefitting at 41 educational establishments.

Part of the council’s ambitious Streets for People programme, the zones encourage more children to travel to and from school on foot, bike or scooter in a safe, fun and active way, cutting air pollution and creating a more pleasant environment at the school gates.

The council has sent fun-packed kits to all primary schools in Haringey to ensure our youngest children have an engaging and interactive five days during Walk to School Week.

Cllr Mike Hakata, Cabinet Member for Climate Action, Environment and Transport, said:

Walk to School Week is a fantastic way for children to experience active travel and I’d encourage families to take part by walking, wheeling or cycling to school.

It’s great to see that so many school journeys are being transformed by our rapidly expanding School Streets programme and the high level of parent and teacher support.

School Streets both reduce road danger and incentivise healthier ways to get to school and we are really proud to have introduced eight news schemes.

At those School Streets already introduced, the number of children walking and cycling is up, while traffic has reduced by 42 per cent and vehicle emissions (NOx) are down by 26 per cent. 

The eight new School Streets launched in April cover the following 13 educational establishments:

  • Coleridge Primary School (Crescent Road)
  • Lancasterian Primary School and The Vale Primary School
  • Lea Valley Primary, Duke's Aldridge Academy and The Vale Secondary School
  • North Harringay Primary School
  • South Harringay Infant School and South Harringay Junior School
  • St Mary's CofE Primary School
  • St Mary's Priory RC Infant School and St Mary’s Priory RC Junior School
  • Stroud Green Primary School

Only people walking, cycling and wheeling, and those with vehicle exemption permits, are eligible to enter the zone while the School Street is in operation.

Read more about the School Streets programme

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