Help shape transport and travel in the Alexandra area

Residents can help shape the future of transport and travel in the Alexandra area by taking part in an important co-production exercise.

An online space has been launched to ensure the voices of local people are heard as the council develops a plan to improve how the community get around this part of the borough.

The project aims to understand what changes people want for better public transport, sustainable travel, safer streets, and vibrant community spaces.

Cllr Mike Hakata, Cabinet Member for Climate Action, Environment and Transport, said:

We’ve launched this platform to create an easy-access space to share your experiences of travelling around the Alexandra area.

Whether you walk, cycle, drive, or use public transport, we want to hear from you. We are determined that local people, who know their neighbourhood best, will be able tell us what travel improvements would help.

Join the conversation and let’s work together to create a community where everyone can move around safely, easily and comfortably.

In line with the Haringey Deal, the initiative sets out to tap into the strengths, knowledge, expertise and passion of local people to tackle the big challenges the borough faces.

Visitors to the online platform can find out full details of the project, comment on a range of issues via a questionnaire and use an interactive map to place pins with their feedback.

The deadline for responses to the survey is 19 August 2024.

To request a paper copy of the Alexandra Transport and Traffic Review questionnaire, please email, or find printed copies available at Wood Green Library and Alexandra Park Library.

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