When to request an inspection

Part of: Building control inspections

When to request an inspection will depend on the type of work being carried out.

The 2 statutory inspections which apply to all projects are:

  • commencement
  • completion


This is the first statutory notification and we normally visit when the work starts. However, in certain circumstances we may agree not to inspect the site until a further notice is received – but it is essential that you notify us of commencement to agree this.


You should request an inspection when the building work is fully complete (or for new buildings, before occupation)

We will issue a Completion Certificate when:

  • we have seen all the relevant stages of work and they comply with the building regulations
  • the relevant certificates have been provided and the fees paid

As well as these inspections, further inspections may also be necessary as some jobs will require specific inspections such as fire protection and the reinforcement of concrete structures. In addition, a building surveyor may call unexpectedly at other times to check on the work as it progresses.

Read more: Key notification stages for inspection