Works exempt from building regulations

Part of: Building regulations approval

Some types of domestic work are exempt from the requirements of the building regulations.

Even though your proposals may be exempt from the building regulations you may still require planning permission. See our planning permission page or contact the Planning Service for further information.

If you are unsure whether your building works are exempt or not you can contact us for further information.

Works exempt from building regulations include:

  • detached buildings
  • extensions
  • electrical installations
  • repairs

Detached buildings

Detached buildings where the floor area is less than 30m2, and:

  • are single storey
  • have less than 30m2 of floor area
  • are at least 1 metre from any boundary or constructed of non-combustible materials, for example brick/block, concrete panel, tiled roof
  • contain no sleeping accommodation

For example, a detached garage.

Detached buildings, where the floor area is less than 15m2, for example, a greenhouse or garden shed.


The extension of a building by the addition at ground level of:

  • a conservatory (that is not permanently open to the house)
  • porch – this must be separated from the dwelling via an external quality door
  • covered yard or covered way
  • a carport open on at least two sides where the floor area does not exceed 30m2

In the case of a porch or conservatory, any glazing should meet the requirements of the building regulations. This means glazing in most doors and adjacent windows and in windows with a sill level less than 800mm above floor level should be in a safety glass.

Conservatories must also:

  • be single storey
  • have less than 30m2 of internal floor area
  • be separated from the dwelling via doors/windows glazed to external quality
  • not restrict exit from any escape windows/doors
  • have separate on/off controls for any installed fixed heating
  • have at least 50 percent of their external wall area glazed
  • have a translucent roof

Important: any electrical installation installed as part of these works may still require approval.


Generally no, if the repairs are minor in nature and you are replacing like for like.

However, certain works may require approval – for example, conversions or electrical works.

Contact building control