The calculators show the distance in miles from where you live to a particular school or college.
Accuracy of distance
The accuracy of our distance calculator depends on whether you live inside or outside Haringey.
If you live in Haringey
For houses, the calculators show the distance correct to 3 decimal places.
For flats, the distance shown may not be right – we are working to correct this. If you live in a flat, use the address of the building your flat is in. For example, instead of using ‘Flat 2, 40 London Street’, use ‘40 London Street’.
See cutoff distances for previous years.
If you live outside Haringey
Use GOV.UK to check your distance to a Haringey school.
You’ll see approximate distances. This is usually enough to see if your home is inside or outside the school cutoff distance from previous years.
If you have already checked the distance on GOV.UK and would like your precise distance, contact us.
Moving home and temporary addresses
We do not give distances for addresses you may move to or temporary addresses, only your child’s permanent address.
Schools outside Haringey
If you want to apply for a school outside Haringey, contact the local authority the school is in. They can help you with distance measurements.