Consultation on low traffic neighbourhoods 2024

Have your say on our LTN consultations.

We are approaching the end of the low traffic neighbourhood (LTN) trials and we are seeking your views. Your feedback, together with data we have collected and are analysing, will enable us to decide whether to make the LTNs permanent.

We welcome your feedback – have your say by 20 September 2024.

LTN consultations

The easiest way to provide this is to complete the online questionnaire for each of the LTN areas:

Have your say on Bounds Green LTN

Have your say on Bruce Grove West Green LTN

Have your say on St Ann’s LTN

Paper copies of the questionnaires are available by calling our dedicated LTN phone line on 020 8489 4787.

Alternatively, you can pick up a copy from: 

  • Alexandra Park Library, Alexandra Park Road, N22 7UJ
  • Broadwater Farm Community Centre, Adams Road, N17 6HG
  • Coombes Croft Library Tottenham, High Road, N17 8AG
  • Marcus Garvey Library, 1 Philip Lane, N15 4JA
  • St Ann’s Library, Cissbury Rd, N15 5PU
  • Wood Green Library, 187-197A High Road, N22 6XD

Please send completed paper questionnaires to us using our Freepost address (no stamp required):

Frontline Consultation Freepost Plus RTKX-AJJC-ULRY 

Haringey Council

Level 4, Alexandra House

10 Station Road

Wood Green

N22 7TY

All responses must reach us by 20 September 2024.

Disabled person or a carer?

Separate surveys are being carried out with disabled people and carers, to seek their views on the LTNs. If you are a blue badge holder living in Haringey, we will be contacting you separately.

You can take part via:

LTNs disabled persons survey

LTNs carers survey

All responses must reach us by 20 September 2024.

Consultation materials

What happens next

After the consultation closes on 20 September 2024, the Cabinet will take a decision on whether to make the trial LTNs scheme permanent.

We have been monitoring data in the LTNs, including:

  • traffic levels
  • air quality
  • road safety
  • crime
  • bus journey times

This data, together with your feedback, will help inform the Cabinet's decision.

A separate decision will also be taken on whether to make permanent the HGV ban on Downhills Way/Belmont Road.

These decisions are expected to be taken on 10 December 2024.