Current road safety consultations

Latest road traffic schemes and consultations.

You can submit comments about current consultations on roads and School Streets in Haringey.

Road consultations

Proposed speed reduction measures on Perth Road N22

Please read the support documents and complete the survey to have your say.

Perth Road N22 survey

Proposed speed reduction measures on Ferme Park Road

Completed consultations

Find out about road consultations that have now ended.

School Streets consultations

A School Street is where the street outside a school only allows walking and cycling during drop-off and pick-up times.

During this time only the following can enter the School Street:

  • people walking and cycling
  • vehicles with exemption permits

The benefits of School Streets are:

  • a safer environment where children, parents and teachers can go to school by walking or cycling
  • less air pollution
  • fewer parking obstructions
  • improved road safety outside schools

You can leave feedback for any current School Streets consultations online – see the School Streets section for more information.