Current proposals – electric vehicle charging points

Electric vehicle charging point proposals, give feedback and comments on consultations.

Outcome of statutory consultation and works notice – electric vehicle charging points (EVCPs) 2023/24 batch 1

In November and December 2023, we consulted on the possible introduction of 40 additional electric vehicle (EV) charging points at 19 locations across Haringey. We received a good response to the consultation and on behalf of the council, we would like to thank all those who took the time to have their say and make their views known.

You will find full details of all comments and representations in the consultation decision report.

As part of the decision-making process, we have considered all representations and have approved the introduction of 36 EV charging points at 17 locations listed in the outcome of statutory consultation and works notice letter. You can also read the detailed plans for each site.

The installation works are due to start in the week beginning 10 June 2024. We expect the EV points to be fully operational by end of July 2024.

4 EV Points proposed in Linley Road N17 and Greenham Road N10 will be reviewed. A statutory consultation will be carried out for the revised locations before installation.

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