BHH 365+ Literary events

All pages relating to bhh 365+ literary events.

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First Five: Yomi Sode with Theresa Lola

Join Yomi Ṣode as he talks to Theresa Lola and delves into her first five influences.

Remember the book that changed your life? The inspirational figure that opened your eyes? The song you’ll never forget? Now pick two books, two tracks and one person that define you and you’ve got your first five.

Black History Month: A Canvas of Culture event

An event for anybody, young and older, who lives in the community and beyond.

Get ready for a vibrant mix of music, food, book readings and vocalists.


Free in advance. £5 on the door.

Book your free ticket now 

Discounted meal: £11.25

Discounted meal and drink: £17.50


Phone: 07938 062865

Benjamin Zephaniah - The People's Poet: Commemoration and Celebration

Thursday 3 October is National Poetry Day and the start of Black History Month.

We will be showing some of Benjamin's poetry videos on the issues he cared about (The Windrush Generation, football, veganism, radical ideas), and hearing some live performances from local people.

Organised by Clasford (Broadwater United), Joan and Dave (Lordship Hub).

Open to all.

Free event – donations welcome towards costs.

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Author Talk: Alesia Greenidge - "Should Black Women Support Reparation Organised by British Parliament?"

Author, Alesia Greenidge presents an interactive event about some of the Women Members of the Universal Negro Improvement Association & Afrikan Communities League (UNIA & ACL). Special focus will be on Amy Jacques Garvey, wife of Marcus Mosiah Garvey. Please bring your questions and thoughts as there will be opportunity to join the conversation. Everyone is welcome, no need to book, just turn up


Free Event

Author Talk: Dahlia Allen's 'Resilience'

Dahlia Allen presents her book 'Resilience', the true life story of Dahlia, who exchanged the tropical sunshine of Jamaica for the cold winter seasons of England.

Years later, after settling in the land of the unknown, life took a big u-turn and challenges began. The journey and experiences she encountered were like a mighty whirlwind that tossed her around in circles: rough, shaky, and bumpy.