Designated premises supervisor (DPS)

Part of: Personal licence

Any premises where alcohol is supplied under a premises licence must have a designated premises supervisor (DPS).

The DPS:

  • is the person who has day-to-day responsibility of running the business
  • will be named on the premises licence and must hold a personal licence
  • is not necessarily the premises licence holder, although they may be 

The role of a DPS

The DPS will: 

  • act as primary contact for local government and the police 
  • understand the social issues and potential problems associated with the sale of alcohol 
  • have a good understanding of the business itself 
  • be involved enough with the business to be able to act as its representative 
  • be contactable at all times 

The DPS does not need to be on site at all times. 

How to become a DPS

You must: 

  • hold a personal licence
  • be nominated by the premises licence holder for the role of DPS 
  • complete a consent form

There is no fee to consent to be a DPS. 

If you have a personal licence, you will need to include your licence number on the consent form. 

Apply to become a DPS

If you prefer, you can download and complete the DPS consent form

How to change a DPS

As the premises licence holder, if your DPS no longer works at the premises, you’ll need to apply for a licence variation to name a new DPS. 

Request to change a DPS

You will need to have a completed DPS consent form



Contact the licensing team