Personal licence photo signatories

Part of: Personal licence

When applying for a personal licence you must supply 2 passport photos that: 

  • have a white background 
  • show your face fully uncovered – no sunglasses or head covering unless it’s for religious beliefs 

Who a signatory is

Someone must confirm the photo is a true likeness of you. This person is called a signatory.

The signatory must have a profession from the approved list below. If the signatory's profession isn't on the list you will not receive your licence.

The signatory must write the following on the back of one photograph: 

I (name of person), (job title) confirm this photograph to be a true likeness of (applicant’s name). (Signature of person), (date). 

Acceptable professions

The signatory must be one of the following:

  • chemist (registered) 
  • chiropodist (registered) 
  • commissioner of oaths (solicitor/notary public) 
  • councillor: local or county 
  • dentist (registered) 
  • engineer (with professional qualifications/ member of a chartered institute) 
  • fire service officer (or a higher rank) 
  • funeral director 
  • insurance manager of a recognised company gn.c105/12/12 
  • justice of the peace 
  • legal secretary (members and fellows of the institute of legal secretaries) 
  • local government officer/ civil servant (permanent position) 
  • HR manager (of a limited company) 
  • member of parliament merchant navy officer 
  • minister of a recognised religion 
  • nurse (SRN and SEN) 
  • officer of the armed services (active or retired) 
  • optician (registered) 
  • person with honours (eg OBE, MBE etc) 
  • photographer (professional) 
  • officer of police (inspector/chief) 
  • post office master/ mistress 
  • president or secretary of a recognised charity/country club 
  • salvation army officer 
  • social worker 
  • solicitor 
  • surveyor (chartered institute) 
  • teacher or lecturer (school/college/university) 
  • trade union officer 
  • travel agency (qualified/ recognised body) 
  • valuers and auctioneers 
  • warrant officers/ chief petty officers 

Contact the licensing team