If you are still the only adult living at the property
If you are the only adult over 18 occupying your property, simply tick the relevant box, sign and date the form at the bottom and return it using the prepaid envelope provided
If there are other adults living at the property
If there are other adults living at the property, please provide:
- their name
- their date of birth
- the date on which they moved in
- their previous address
If you think they should not be counted for Council Tax purposes, you should still include them on the form and tell us why.
Reasons they should not be counted include:
- they are an apprentice
- have recently left school
- they are a student at college or university
For students at college or university, please include:
- their date of birth
- the name of the school, college or university they attend and if their term time address is away from home
- their address whilst they are studying
We may need you to provide evidence, for example, a bank statement to show that you are getting Child Benefit for a person over 18.
We may need to contact you again for more information, so please provide an email address or telephone number.
Someone is using my address for their correspondence
Please provide their name and the address at which they actually live so that it can be verified. You can supply more information if you think it is relevant to assist your claim.
I still receive mail for the previous occupiers
You need to write on the envelope that the person no longer lives at the address and return it to the sender.
A friend stays with me 3 or 4 nights a week
If your friend keeps their belongings at your house, it will be classed as their main residence and you will no longer be eligible for the discount.
You should provide as much information as possible – you can use a separate sheet if necessary.
Please contact us if you need assistance with what evidence you may need to provide.