Matched funding sources

Net Zero Haringey - Community Carbon Fund 2022-25

Funding sources

It is worth researching whether other funding sources are available to fund your project. Securing match funding may help deliver your project.

  • Let's Go Zero – funding for organisations working with schools to decarbonise. The funding is not open to schools themselves. Organisations will have to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) first. Deadline for full applications is Sunday 28 January 2024.
  • Community Energy London include a list of funding sources and resources to set up a community energy group or project, list of contractors and providers, case studies, and publications
  • Community Energy England have an up-to-date list of funding sources
  • Community Energy Fund – launched by the government in autumn 2023
  • London Community Energy Fund may potentially open with a 7th round of funding (to be announced)
  • VCSE Energy Efficiency Scheme – government energy efficiency scheme for voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations (closes August 2024):
    • cost and delivery of independent energy assessments 
    • capital grant to install energy efficiency measures

Contact the carbon management team
