Help fill our streets with trees

Residents can help build a greener Haringey by sponsoring a tree in a street or park of their choice.
Tree Bruce Grove

This is the fourth year the council has worked in partnership with the national charity Trees for Streets to empower and inspire individuals or groups to bring a slice of nature to their doorstep and help mitigate the effects of climate change.

Planting trees in the borough’s streets and green spaces helps capture carbon, absorbs air pollution, reduces flood risk, creates shaded areas and nurtures wildlife.

Last year, the council planted almost 2,500 trees – a Haringey record. The planting season included the transformation of three more plots into tiny forests, and the council planted a total of 665 trees in the borough’s streets, housing estates and parks across 2023/24.

To sponsor a tree, simply head to the Trees for Streets website, pick a spot for your sponsored tree, then give a few details – their team will handle the rest.

Find out more information about trees in the borough.

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