Haringey honours unsung heroes: foster carers celebrated in style

Foster carers in Haringey were praised for their dedication, commitment and invaluable support to children and young people at the Foster Carers’ Appreciation Awards.
Fostering Awards - Steven

More than a hundred foster carers from across the borough attended the event and enjoyed a night of dinner, speeches, and dancing.

The ceremony recognised all foster carers, with special acknowledgment given to those who have been long-standing carers for over 10 and 20 years.

The ceremony took place at The Cypriot Community Centre in Wood Green and included a motivational speech from Steven Russell who was fostered as a child.

Talking about his own experiences, he outlined the importance of connecting with children to understand and listen to how they’re feeling rather than trying to ‘fix them’.

Steven is now a Family Support Worker and works tirelessly to act as a voice for children.

Haringey Council’s Cabinet Member for Children, Schools & Families, Cllr Zena Brabazon , said:

Every child deserves to live in a happy and caring home and the dedication shown by Haringey’s community of foster carers to provide this is outstanding.

Hearing from Steven, it was clear to see that the love, compassion, security and support he received growing up is something he will never forget – so much so it has now inspired him to help others receive that same care.

Every child is one caring adult away from being a success. Having someone who supports and believes in them, can change their life and give them the opportunity to thrive.

During his speech to the foster carers, Steven Russell, said: 

One day, people will ask, 'Who believed in you as a child?' And your name will be mentioned.

If you would like to be part of the fostering community and are interested in finding out more, contact the fostering service on 020 8489 3754. Alternatively, email fosteringrecruitment@haringey.gov.uk

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