A total of 4,586 donations have been made to children in the east of the borough by the foundation. This includes, 1,363 new winter coats, 1,125 pairs of trainers, and 2,098 keep warm kits – all of which have provided essential support to pupils and families across Haringey.
The foundation has made a significant impact on the lives of many children. Their contributions have provided essential items to the most disadvantaged pupils, easing financial burdens on families and bringing smiles to countless faces.
In a touching ceremony, Darren and Abi were presented with a certificate and memorabilia of Haringey as tokens of appreciation for their unwavering support.
The gathering at George Meehan House highlighted the strong community spirit in Haringey and the positive impact that compassionate individuals like Darren and Abigail can have.
Brand new coats, scarves, trainers, and ‘keep warm’ kits are often donated to Haringey pupils. These donations are made seasonally, with summer clothing provided in Spring/Summer and winter clothing in Autumn/Winter, to help ease both financial and emotional pressures on families.
The UK-registered charitable organisation aims to support families in need as well as focus on addressing social issues to enhance the education and general welfare of underprivileged children by providing essential items. Their ongoing commitment to supporting Haringey's most vulnerable pupils is making a tangible difference in the community.
We look forward to continuing this valuable partnership with the Debra Reiss Foundation to support even more families in the future.