The way buildings are designed and constructed has a direct and indirect impact on:
- the quality of our lives and health
- energy use
- natural resources
- our immediate and wider natural environment
The sustainable design and construction supplementary planning document (SPD), was adopted in February 2013. The document supports the Local Plan: Strategic Policies (adopted March 2013).
The SPD is considered in determining planning applications. It does not create new policy, but complements the Local Plan and brings together policy requirements and guidance from national, regional and local planning frameworks that promote sustainable buildings.
Download the sustainable design and construction SPD and supporting documents:
- Sustainable design and construction SPD
- Sustainable design and construction SPD – appendices
- Draft statement on sustainability appraisal and equalities impact assessment
- Consultation letter
- Summary of consultation responses
- Notice of adoption
The SPD replaced the following supplementary planning guidance (SPGs):
- SPG 8b (draft) - materials
- SPG8c (draft) - environmental performance
- SPG8d (draft) - biodiversity, landscaping and trees
- SPG8e (draft) - light pollution
- SPG8 (draft) - Ecological impact assessment
- SPG8i (draft) - air quality
- SPG 8a (adopted) - waste
The Sustainable Design and Construction SPD was approved for adoption at Cabinet on 12 February 2013.
The public consultation on the draft Sustainable Design and Construction SPD took place between November 2010 and January 2011.