How to apply for a pavement licence

Part of: Pavement licence

If you want to offer smoking in the outside area, you must apply for a tables and chairs on the pavement licence.

If your business already has a valid tables and chairs licence you do not need to apply. But if you wish to discuss your existing permission please contact us. 

Documents needed

You will need to supply the following:

  • a drawing showing the area that will be used for furniture, including:
    • the position in relation to your premises
    • the position in relation to any other premises
    • where the furniture will be placed within that area
  • photos/brochures showing the proposed type of furniture
  • a copy of your third-party liability insurance cover of at least £5 million
  • a copy of your waste contract



Apply online

Apply now

Public notice display

There is a 7-day consultation period during which you must complete and clearly display a public notice in the window of your premises. This must stay up for the full 7 days.

You can download a template for this:

Contact the licensing team