Cabinet members

Part of: Council committees

The Cabinet is led by the Leader of the Council and 9 other councillors, each with their own area of responsibility.

Leader of the Council – Councillor Peray Ahmet

Councillor Ahmet

Councillor Ahmet is responsible for:

  • Haringey Deal: coproduction, codesign, participation and local democracy
  • communications
  • corporate governance, performance, policy and strategy
  • external partnerships

Councillor Ahmet's ward and contact details.

Download hi-resolution photo of Cllr Ahmet (JPG, 2,702KB)

Cabinet Member for Housing and Planning, and Deputy Leader of the Council – Councillor Sarah Williams

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Councillor Williams is responsible for:

  • housing strategy and development
  • council housebuilding
  • council housing services
  • housing major works
  • housing associations
  • private sector housing
  • housing needs
  • homelessness and rough sleeping
  • planning policy and enforcement (including the Local Plan)

Councillor William's ward and contact details.

Download hi-resolution photo of Cllr Williams (JPG, 2,485KB)

Cabinet Member for Climate Action, Environment and Transport – Councillor Mike Hakata

Councillor Hakata

Councillor Hakata is responsible for:

  • climate action unit
  • strategic transport
  • air pollution
  • liveable neighbourhoods, and school and play streets
  • urban greening and biodiversity
  • local renewable energy
  • sustainability and decarbonisation
  • circular economy
  • Vision Zero (jointly with Cabinet Member for Resident Services and Tackling Inequality)

Councillor Hakata's ward and contact details.

Download hi-resolution photo of Cllr Hakata (JPG, 2,961KB)

Cabinet Member for Children, Schools and Families – Councillor Zena Brabazon

Councillor Brabazon

Councillor Brabazon is responsible for:

  • adoption and fostering
  • early help
  • early years and childcare
  • looked after children and care leavers
  • unaccompanied minors
  • safeguarding children
  • schools and education
  • services for children with disabilities and additional needs
  • 16-19 education
  • youth services
  • transitions (jointly with Cabinet Member for Health, Social Care and Wellbeing)
  • youth justice (jointly with Cabinet Member for Communities)

Councillor Brabazon's ward and contact details.

Download hi-resolution photo of Cllr Brabazon (JPG, 3,557KB)

Cabinet Member for Resident Services and Tackling Inequality – Councillor Seema Chandwani

Councillor Chandwani

Councillor Chandwani is responsible for:

  • local welfare
  • waste management and recycling
  • fly-tipping and waste enforcement
  • highways
  • flooding
  • resident experience
  • Vision Zero (jointly with Cabinet Member for Climate Action, Environment and Transport)
  • parking

Councillor Chandwani's ward and contact details.

Download hi-resolution photo of Cllr Chandwani (JPG, 3,237KB)

Cabinet Member for Health, Social Care and Wellbeing – Councillor Lucia das Neves

Councillor Das Neves

Councillor das Neves is responsible for:

  • adult social care
  • violence against women and girls (VAWG)
  • mental health and wellbeing
  • refugee and migrant support
  • public health
  • safeguarding adults
  • transitions (jointly with Cabinet Member for Children, Schools and Families)

Councillor das Neves' ward and contact details.

Download hi-resolution photo of Cllr das Neves (JPG, 3,468KB)

Cabinet Member for Finance and Corporate Services – Councillor Dana Carlin

Councillor Carlin

Councillor Carlin is responsible for:

  • council finances, budget and medium term financial strategy
  • participatory budgeting
  • income generation
  • community wealth-building:
    • procurement policies, frameworks and systems
    • insourcing policy and delivery
  • capital strategy
  • Council Tax policy
  • HR, staff wellbeing and corporate recruitment
  • legal
  • IT and digital transformation
  • data policy and reform
  • information management
  • elections
  • emergency planning

Councillor Carlin's ward and contact details.

Download hi-resolution photo of Cllr Carlin (JPG, 3,013KB)

Cabinet Member for Placemaking and Local Economy – Councillor Ruth Gordon 

Councillor Gordon

Councillor Gordon is responsible for:

  • placemaking
  • council assets
  • jobs and skills
  • local business
  • town centres and high streets
  • estate renewal

Councillor Gordon's ward and contact details.

Download hi-resolution photo of Cllr Gordon (JPG, 121KB)

Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure – Councillor Emily Arkell

Councillor Emily Arkell

Councillor Arkell is responsible for:

  • arts and culture
  • delivery of Borough of Culture
  • libraries
  • parks and green spaces
  • sports and leisure
  • local food strategy

Councillor Arkell's ward and contact details.

Download hi-resolution photo of Cllr Arkell (JPG, 533KB)

Cabinet Member for Communities – Councillor Ajda Ovat

Councillor Adja Ovat

Councillor Ovat is responsible for:

  • crime prevention and reduction
  • anti-social behaviour
  • community cohesion and inclusion
  • licensing and regulatory services
  • youth justice (jointly with Cabinet Member for Children, Schools and Families)
  • active citizenship, and voluntary and community sector

Councillor Ovat's ward and contact details.

Download hi-resolution photo of Cllr Ovat (JPG, 3.4MB)