Council committees

Key council committees and boards and committee meetings.

Committees and boards

You can find a full description of all committees and what they do on the committees structure page

Key council committees and boards

These are the key committees and boards that make decisions in the council: 

  • Full Council – where councillors decide the council's overall policies and set the budget each year
  • The Cabinet – developing and implementing policy on behalf of the council
  • Audit Committee – support and monitor statutory duties, regulations, and standards relating to financial reporting, governance, and audit
  • The Licensing Committee – a statutory licensing committee, with other non-statutory responsibilities around licensing
  • Licensing Sub-Committee – looks at individual applications
  • The Strategic Planning Committee – considers strategic planning matters
  • Planning Sub-Committee – looks at individual applications
  • General Purposes Committee
  • The Health and Wellbeing Board – functions include carrying out the statutory duties as set out in the Health and Social Care Act 2012 and encouraging integrated working between health and social care commissioners
  • Overview and Scrutiny Committee – this committee helps to make sure that local public services are delivered effectively, efficiently and in the best interests of residents  
  • Standards Committee – promotes and maintains high standards of conduct by councillors, co-opted members and representatives of organisations and parent governor representatives

Committee meetings

Committee meetings are normally open to the public. Find out more about how you can attend council meetings.

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