
Part of: Council committees

Cabinet is run by the Leader of the Council and 9 other councillors, who make most council decisions. 

The Leader appoints the Cabinet and all members come from the majority group, the Labour party.

The Cabinet recommends the budget and key policy proposals to Full Council for agreement. It also develops and implements most policies.

Cabinet members

There are 10 Cabinet members:

  • Councillor Ahmet – Leader of the Council
  • Councillor Hakata – Cabinet Member for Climate Action, Environment and Transport
  • Councillor Williams – Cabinet Member for Housing and Planning, and Deputy Leader of the Council
  • Councillor Brabazon – Cabinet Member for Children, Schools and Families
  • Councillor Chandwani – Cabinet Member for Resident Services and Tackling Inequality
  • Councillor das Neves – Cabinet Member for Health, Social Care and Well-being
  • Councillor Carlin – Cabinet Member for Finance and Corporate Services
  • Councillor Gordon – Cabinet Member for Placemaking and Local Economy
  • Councillor Arkell – Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure
  • Councillor Ovat – Cabinet Member for Communities

Find out more about each Cabinet member and their portfolios

Cabinet meetings

The Cabinet meets approximately every 4 weeks. Find out more about upcoming Cabinet meetings and agendas

You can also watch live and recorded Cabinet meetings.

Public and private decisions 

The Cabinet is allowed by law to meet in private, but they cannot take decisions in private. All Cabinet decisions must be taken in public, with a few exceptions. 

Council officers are not able to put decisions into practice until the 7 day 'call-in' period has ended (except for decisions taken under emergency procedures).

The Forward Plan

The Forward Plan lists all decisions that the Cabinet will take and is published monthly, covering a 4 month period.  

Deputations – your right to address the Cabinet

You can request the right to address the Cabinet (make a deputation) on an issue on its agenda.

Find out how to voice a shared concern (deputation) at a council meeting.