Consultations for parking

Current parking consultations.

Current parking consultations

Willoughby Road Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) consultation June 2024

We welcome your views on Willoughby Lane becoming a controlled parking zone (CPZ).  Full details of the consultation, and how to respond are set out in the attached letter.

Finsbury Park A, B and C CPZ review May 2024

Crouch End 'A' and 'B' CPZ review April 2024

Seven Sisters CPZ April 2024

Jarrow Road CPZ February 2024

Parking policy review consultation

Parking is an essential public service that supports communities by:

  • providing access to managed (safe) parking spaces
  • improving access to public amenities
  • reducing congestion
  • making our roads safer

We are reviewing our parking policy to ensure that it continues to reflect best practice and supports the delivery of our transport strategy and road danger reduction and air quality action plans.

Owning and using a motor vehicle impacts everyone who lives in or visits our borough, so we are seeking the views of everyone, even including those who do not own a vehicle.

Please help us by completing this questionnaire.

Parking Policy Review consultation