Offer of a primary school place

Part of: Starting primary school

How to respond to your offer 

Respond now if you applied online 

Respond now if you applied using a paper form 

If you prefer, you can respond to your offer by emailing us.  

How offers were made

98% of Haringey children were offered a place at one of their preferred schools to start September 2024. 88% were offered their first preference.

Your offer email explains how your child was offered their school place. 

See details on the number of school applications and the offers made.

Check your distance to local schools using our distance calculator

See our primary school admissions booklet for general information on how we process applications .

Waiting lists 

Check your child's position on the waiting lists and see how waiting lists are organised.

Schools with available places 

As at national offer day (16 April), these Haringey schools have spaces. 

Email us if you'd like your child to be offered a place at any of these schools.

Contact Customer Services: school admissions