Crescent Garden sustainable drainage system project

Part of: Sustainable drainage schemes and proposals

Haringey invested in water management improvements to Crescent Gardens. These promote the appeal and usability of this park and also help to clean and collect rainwater running off nearby roads. The scheme offsets the risk of flooding and pollution in nearby rivers. Visually attractive appearance and interactive features are included in this scheme.

The key SuDS features consist of:

  • a series of ‘rain gardens’ to collect run-off from the adjacent roads. 
  • sustainable urban drainage systems in the form of circular basin features 
  • a series of swales (open drainage channels) to carry water between the basin and rain gardens 
  • new tree planting
  • meadow-style planting

The Crescent Gardens project received a 'highly commended' award in the Retrofit Large Scale SuDS category at the SuDS Awards 2020.

A sign at the edge of an area of grass. The sign has an illustration of the Crescent Gardens sustainable drainage project on it.


Contact us about sustainable drainage (SuDS)