Request new cycle storage

Part of: Cycle parking

If there are no available cycle storage facilities in your street and you’d like to ask for one to be installed, please complete our online form.

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Subject to funding, we select cycle storage installation locations based on:

  • type of property – for example, multiple occupancy or single dwelling
  • fair and equitable distribution throughout the wards in Haringey
  • demand from residents
  • the date a request is received

Using these criteria, we use a point system to prioritise residents’ requests.

We give priority to residents who live in flats or properties that do not have enough outside space to install their own cycle storage. We advise you not to apply if you have enough outside space at your property to store your cycle.

Before installing new cycle storage, we consult with residents on the proposed site.

After installing new cycle storage, we may share your personal details (name, address, email and contact number) with our cycle parking partner Cyclehoop. They’ll use this information to allocate spaces, issue keys and maintain occupancy records. Your personal data will only be used for the provision of cycle parking.

Please note that because of high demand, there is a long waiting list for new cycle storage requests. We’re also unable to contact you about the status of your request.

We’ll get in touch with you when your request is selected and put forward for consideration.