Closed cycle parking consultations

Part of: Cycle parking

Proposed bikehangars 2023/2024

Batch 2

In January 2024, we consulted on a possible introduction of 50 bikehangars at 50 locations across Haringey. 

Full details of all comments and representations can be found in the following reports:

We have considered all representations and now approved the introduction of 41 of the proposed cycle hangars, with amendments to 9 of the locations.

You can view the outcome of statutory consultation and works notice letter, and detailed plans for each site in the following documents:

The installation works for these bikehangars was completed in May 2024.

Batch 1

We proposed installing 20 bikehangars at the locations in the following statutory consultation letter and design plans:

The consultation for these proposals is now closed. It ran from 3 August to 13 September 2023. 

Proposed bikehangars 2022/2023

As part of our 2022/23 cycle parking works programme, we secured funding to install more bikehangars in Haringey.

We shortlisted 40 locations, based on the requests we received from residents.

Batch 1 

In July and August 2022, we consulted on proposals to install the first batch of 15 bikehangars at the locations in the statutory consultation letter and design plans.

We had a good response to the consultation and would like to thank all those who took the time to share their views.

You can see full details of all comments and representations in the DA report: Cycle storage facilities (cycle hangars) batch 1 - statutory consultationOpens in new window.

As part of the decision-making process, we considered all representations and approved the introduction of 14 of the cycle hangars proposed.

The installation of these cycle hangars was completed in November 2022.

Batch 2

In November and December 2022, we consulted on proposals to install the second batch of 26 bikehangars at the locations in the statutory consultation letter and design plans below.

We had a good response to the consultation and would like to thank all those who took the time to share their views.

Full details of all comments and representations can be found in the DA report: Cycle storage facilities (cycle hangars) batch 2 - statutory consultationOpens in new window.

As part of the decision-making process, we considered all representations and approved the introduction of 24 of the proposed cycle hangars, with amendments to 6 of the locations.

The installation works for these cycle hangars were completed in July 2023.

We also consulted on the revised proposals for 6 of the locations we consulted on previously.

Proposed bikehangars – revised design plans (PDF, 7 page(s), 1.97 MB) 

This consultation closed on 19 July 2023.