Frequently requested information

Part of: Freedom of information (FOI)

Before you make a freedom of information (FOI) request, please check to see if what you are looking is already available online. 

Search our FOI request database

Start by searching our FOI request database. The answer to a previous question may tell you what you need to know.

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Council budgets and spending

If you're looking for financial information, go to:

Business Rates

Business Rates are also known as National Non-Domestic Rates.

Download our Business Rates occupation list – June 2024

Parking and traffic enforcement

If you're looking for information on parking and enforcement, go to:

Social care and education spending and statistics

Social care and education information is available at:

Our workforce

For information on staff pay and the diversity of our workforce, go to:

  • staff pay – our organisational structure, senior officers’ pay and responsibilities, the gender pay gap  
  • employment profile – information about the diversity of our workforce

The Staffing and Renumeration Committee

The Staffing and Remuneration Committee makes decisions about pay and employment matters for the council. Reports considered and decisions made by that committee are published on our website.

The people management report

The people management report is produced 4 times a year and provides an overview of our workforce, including details of:

  • agency staff
  • consultants
  • the workforce equality profile
  • sickness levels

To access this report:

  • select a Staffing and Renumeration Committee meeting date
  • select the 'agenda reports pack'
  • locate the people management report from the index (the report is not considered at every meeting so if you do not see the report listed in the index, try another meeting date)