Applying for a school place in-year

Part of: Move or start school in-year

You can apply for a school place in-year (in the middle of the school year) if either:  

  • your child is school-aged but does not have a current school place 
  • you want to move them from their current school to a new school in Haringey 

Your child must be in primary education from September 2023 if they were born between 1 September 2012 and 31 August 2019. 

Your child must be in secondary education from September 2023 if they were born between 1 September 2007 and 31 August 2012. 

Before you apply

Read the following before you apply:

How to apply if you live in Haringey or locally

Apply online now if you live in Haringey or locally 

If you cannot apply online, contact us to have a paper form sent to you to instead. 

How to apply if you're moving to Haringey

We do not hold in-year places for children before they move to Haringey. If you’re moving to Haringey, do not apply for a school place earlier than 2 weeks before your child arrives. 

Contact us when your child moves to Haringey to let us know they’re ready to start school. We'll then process your application using your latest information.  

If you're moving to Haringey, you must include on your application: 

  • your child's current address 
  • your child's new address 
  • their planned move date 

Apply online now if you're moving to Haringey

If you cannot apply online, contact us to have a paper form sent to you to instead. 

Schools outside Haringey 

If you want to apply for a school outside Haringey, contact the local authority the school is in. 

See GOV.UK to find schools near you outside Haringey

Faith schools 

Some faith schools ask for further information when applying. You must contact the school and ask them to send you the form. 

Find out which faith schools ask for further information.

Changing your application 

If you applied within the last month to move schools and want to change your application, email us with your changes. 

If you applied more than a month ago you will need to reapply. 

After you apply 

We will email you within 2 weeks letting you know you've been either: 

  • offered a school place 
  • added to the waiting list for your preferred schools 

Waiting lists 

See information on waiting lists and check your child's position.